Saturday, December 6, 2008

OK, so…Why Are You Weighting?

Well… Weight NO MORE! Send me an email requesting the 12 minute audio download, it’s my way of paying it forward, as this was a gift given to me as well! (when I learn to do the auto reply it will be super, for now I have to email it back-it’s worth the wait)

Isn’t it worth 12 minutes a day to change your weight and health, and as a bonus, you will even find you are even more organized in your entire life. Would that be worth 12 minutes a day?

Sounds too easy…great…let it be!

Think about it…It’s almost the beginning of a new year and with all the changes going on in the world it’s refreshing to know you can and will be as healthy and thin as you choose. It starts with a new way of THINKING. Are you ready? If you are like I was, it’s a BIG YES! They gave us two secrets in the class. First was the audio.

So what do you do with the 12 minute audio?

  • Every morning as soon as you awake, listen in a quiet area. That helps your mind be in a relaxed and stress free place.
  • In the beginning many find it helps to listen at night as well to relax the mind so you sleep better and then you will wake up refreshed and ready to start your perfect day energized.
  • You will find you crave this wonderful self talk, because that is what happens…You are changing the way to talk to yourself, and then your results change.

Have you ever felt or said things to yourself like this:

I can’t lose weight anymore because…

  1. I look at a cookie and it’s on my hips!
  2. I’ve yo yo dieted so many times I put on more weight in the end than when I started.
  3. It’s too hard to go through the holidays and not put weight on.

Well those thoughts and days are over for you now.

  • So never fall off the wagon again. There’s no wagon to to have to PULL around.
  • You are free and your weight will follow your thoughts.

“The Secret To Perfect Weight...Think Thin"

I will also send along a suggested list of foods if you want that have helped me drop two dress sizes since the class.

Subscribe to my blog and watch for the workbook we used in the class.

PS: I’m not a book seller but it’s available if you want it.

Nancy Sustersic

Mental Yoga Enthusiast

Marco Island, FL 239-394-5051

419-350-9058 cell

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