Sunday, February 22, 2009

Picture THIS-Your Perfect Weight NOW!

Today I was reminded, by my good friend and coach Hilton Johnson, to SEE what you want!

A way to motivate you to focus on health is to create a vision board for health.  Make a collage of pictures, affirmations, and things that represent health, vitality, and the way you want to look and feel.  Look at this vision board daily for inspiration.

Looking for simple ways to focus?  Look what we found…Grab a Verve Energy Shot! It made a huge difference in achieving my perfect weight goals.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stay Hungry!!!

Remember Les Brown said...

"You've got to be HUNGRY!!!!"

Hungry for life, hungry for helping others, hungry for success!!

At the Y this morning a man named Elliott said his SECRET to health was...

At a young age he was told by a good friend: “You have to Walk around Hungry!”

  • Don't let your belly get too full, or bloated, or bogged down processing food.
  • Only eat a little at a time and you'll have more energy, vitality, overall health!

WOW..... Thanks Mr. YMCA


Hey…How’s everyone doing???

Health Tip of the Day

"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Those who begin to exercise regularly and replace white flour, sugar and devitalized foods with live, organic natural foods begin to feel better immediately. 

Exercise is king, nutrition is queen -- put them together and you've got a kingdom. Jack LaLanne

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Your Health, the Economy and Vemma Solutions!

Chips Ahoy! $hips Ahoy! Your $hip has come in!!!
Let’s say you are enjoying the energy and great health that Vemma offers. Wish you could tell everyone why Vemma & Verve excite you so much, and what a super Plan B it can be…but not sure what to say?
Let the owner do the work! Grab the Popcorn, it’s $howtime! Home meeting success is not only guaranteed with showing BK's new video... but, according to top leaders (and those who are duplicating this)the serving of green grapes, Ruffle potato chips and chocolate chip cookies are a big secret. Go figure! Smokin' leader from Naples, Florida-Elayna Fernandez is a great example to us all. Elayna started taking Vemma one year ago because she was so tired all the time, and fell in love with the product. Then something happened. Maybe it was the timing of the economy or the fact that she felt so terrific she had to share Vemma with everyone. Or, maybe she realized the opportunity for what it truly is...the opportunity of a lifetime! Elayna went to the Vemma Royale Las Vegas convention and came back on fire – and with pictures of elaynales copythe fabulous inspirational Les Brown, Success Edition Darren Hardy  and several fabulous doctors.

After hearing about doing Home Meetings & serving green grapes, Ruffle potato chips & chocolate chip cookies, Elayna said, "I can do that!" And...did she ever! Last week Elayna brought in several new personally sponsored people & is on fire. Her secret? The home meeting and the "I can do this" attitude. Way to go Elayna! Keep serving those green grapes, Ruffle potato chips and chocolate chip cookies!!! (Get linked in and view video from front of your website)