Friday, December 26, 2008

Holiday eating…Want to know how to trim your appetite with your thinking?

To begin>Ruth Elliott & Nancy at Amb training


FIRST the promised picture of my progress so far. This is Christmas day so you can see I’ve maintained my weight through Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Even with traveling, and all the fun, it’s simple to achieve your ideal perfect weight. Want to join the journey with me?  Email me for the 12 minute audio download and we’ll do it together.

Have you wanted a buddy to work with? Let’s track our progress. I look forward to sharing my New Years picture next week because I KNOW I will be smaller. Send me yours in a comment.

Have you ever wondered…What is your body asking for??  When you change your thinking to eat for health you change your food desires and the rewards are increased energy and a slim and trim body.

BTW…Sorry it took me so long traveling and partying with the family to get my new picture up on the blog.  It’s cold as the dickens, by the way, in Ohio!  This thin blooded Florida gal is shivering.  Hey maybe that’s the way to keep the weight down.

Want to know how to enjoy the fun of the holiday goodies and NOT have to increase your weight. 

Here’s a big tip: When your body is balanced it asks for food to make it healthy.  Try it. Drink a Verve a day and see how much easier it is to eat smart!!!

Drink to your health!!!

See you in a couple days! Happy Healthy Holidays.


Remember: Want the support to achieve your health goals???  Send me an email to and I’ll send you the 12 min audio to get you think2bthin.

Monday, December 15, 2008

What are you drinking- for shrinking?

Nancy here!! Think2bThin is the holiday motto everyone can adopt to help them get through the holiday goodies and additional stress and still maintain their super healthy goals for 2009.

So, have you requested your 12 min audio yet?  It’s a gift that will change your life. Just put “12 min gift” in the subject line to and I’ll send it to you via email.  Also, I’d like to hear WHAT your health goals are for 2009. I help people all over the world achieve their goals and we can all do this together. Think2bThin was a gift to me and I want to pay it forward to anyone committed to improving their life.

Listen each day and you will find yourself enjoying your food and automatically taking smaller portions and being fully satisfied.  For the first time you are in control without dieting or starving or being deprived, by the way that you think and you drink.

So besides thinking to be thin…how about drinking to be thin!

Surprise…Now you can drink to your health! Fill up the body with good healthy nutrition and you will crave food that pays you back with valuable and beneficial results.  Verve balances your body while you balance your mind and the results are: Never diet again!

Tomorrow you will see the a picture of the Incredible Shrinking Woman, me!  After dropping my camera in a glass of red wine in Hawaii I’ve been without a camera to download pictures so thanks to my hubby now I have an early Christmas gift, a new camera.

When I travel around I notice what people are drinking.  I see bottles of soda everywhere.  During the day when I am at stores, on planes or driving along people are constantly sipping their sodas.  No wonder so many people are fatigued and gaining weight. There’s a big surprise coming in January at the health conference in Vegas for natural solutions to the problem of how to achieve more energy and build the body up at the same time. It’s a slender size, 3 oz shooter of Verve. Now you can carry it on the airplane.  More info to come on that soon.

Speaking of traveling by air. Whose germs are you breathing in? Protect yourself, especially for the holidays.  Always buy a bottle of water before you get on the plane. The extra hydration keeps your mind focused on what you want!  Do not drink the soda. It’s dehydrating.  Soda, especially diet does not promote health.  Energy drinks are everywhere and even scarier. That is why we recommend the Verve and hope you will pass along this information to your friends too. Your goal should be to always think about- does the item you are putting to your lips add or take away from your life. 

Until tomorrow…

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Breathing & Your Brain

Right now…take a deep breath.

The human brain makes up only 2% of your body weight; however it consumes 20% of the oxygen you breathe in. 
You can actually increase your creativity and learning power by taking a few minutes to relax and breathe deeply before starting any new project.

Hilton Johnson, Health Coach

Deep breathing also pumps up the energy levels and helps you to achieve your perfect weight goals.

Here’s a test…Raise your arms above your head high, and breath in.  Close your eyes and picture in your mind reaching even higher as your arms actually do.  Notice how much more air swishes into the lungs and how your lungs open up further just from that one exercise?!  You can achieve this feeling from actually working out or doing what I like to call “Mental Yoga”.

Whatever you want to accomplish today just close your eyes and visualize it and let your body and mind work together on helping you to then produce the actions that make your goals a reality!

Another way to get the oxygen flowing…Have a Verve. Enjoy the extra energy and nutrition that is absorbed quickly and long lasting. No crash and burn!

Happy Healthy Holiday!!!

Nancy Sustersic

419-350-9058 or 239-394-5051





Saturday, December 6, 2008

OK, so…Why Are You Weighting?

Well… Weight NO MORE! Send me an email requesting the 12 minute audio download, it’s my way of paying it forward, as this was a gift given to me as well! (when I learn to do the auto reply it will be super, for now I have to email it back-it’s worth the wait)

Isn’t it worth 12 minutes a day to change your weight and health, and as a bonus, you will even find you are even more organized in your entire life. Would that be worth 12 minutes a day?

Sounds too easy…great…let it be!

Think about it…It’s almost the beginning of a new year and with all the changes going on in the world it’s refreshing to know you can and will be as healthy and thin as you choose. It starts with a new way of THINKING. Are you ready? If you are like I was, it’s a BIG YES! They gave us two secrets in the class. First was the audio.

So what do you do with the 12 minute audio?

  • Every morning as soon as you awake, listen in a quiet area. That helps your mind be in a relaxed and stress free place.
  • In the beginning many find it helps to listen at night as well to relax the mind so you sleep better and then you will wake up refreshed and ready to start your perfect day energized.
  • You will find you crave this wonderful self talk, because that is what happens…You are changing the way to talk to yourself, and then your results change.

Have you ever felt or said things to yourself like this:

I can’t lose weight anymore because…

  1. I look at a cookie and it’s on my hips!
  2. I’ve yo yo dieted so many times I put on more weight in the end than when I started.
  3. It’s too hard to go through the holidays and not put weight on.

Well those thoughts and days are over for you now.

  • So never fall off the wagon again. There’s no wagon to to have to PULL around.
  • You are free and your weight will follow your thoughts.

“The Secret To Perfect Weight...Think Thin"

I will also send along a suggested list of foods if you want that have helped me drop two dress sizes since the class.

Subscribe to my blog and watch for the workbook we used in the class.

PS: I’m not a book seller but it’s available if you want it.

Nancy Sustersic

Mental Yoga Enthusiast

Marco Island, FL 239-394-5051

419-350-9058 cell

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Incredible Shrinking Woman Tip #4

So you say to yourself…how can this be working so easily?  Dieting is a thing of the past!  I’m fitting in clothes I haven’t had on in years….SWEET!

It’s because our mind has the ability to make things real that we want.  So want to be healthy and thin and at your perfect weight and you make the job easier for your super brain.  Only entertain thoughts of success and the way your clothes slide on without effort.  Only thoughts of how great and energized you feel now should come to your mind.

So how are you doing? 

  • Are you tracking each day by listening to the download we offer to get your head in the right perfect place to achieve the size you want to live in.  It’s only 12 little minutes a day to start your day excited and focused on your goals.

What are your goals? 

  • Have you cut the picture out of your Perfect Body?  Weight, umm, wait no more, hee hee! Grab that picture, you know the one that makes you feel like you could lick the world and get it in your mind’s eye. Get it on your fridge, your computer screen, your blog, etc.  SEE it and feel it to be it!

What are you doing to balance your body nutritionally? 

  • Are you taking your vitamins… like we pointed out… that your body requires to be balanced?  Get Verve, it’s easier than popping a handful of pills and goes to work faster to satisfy your cravings, so you can have the energy to be the best you can be today! Besides if you’re in a hurry to get in that little slinky dress for New Years Eve…then you want the energy to get out and get moving, and that gives you faster results.
  • Until next time…Keep focused on WHAT you WANT….not what you don’t want.

    Nancy Sustersic

    cell 419-350-9058


Disclaimer: This information is not intended to diagnose or cure anyone but to help you feed your body so it can repair itself.

Your results may vary.